
This privacy notice is to tell you how we use the information collected about you, in regards to protecting your personal information. Contact information, as well as address information, and any other information we might collect about you are all taken under consideration for your personal privacy.

Select Elevator Pit Cleaning is in no way a participant in with any outside advertising agencies that collect their client’s information. We do not sell your information to mailer companies, or e-mail spamming companies. We do not sell or distribute any of your personal information. Your information is kept to establish a business contact point between Select Elevator Pit Cleaning and authorized staff for use with Select Elevator Pit Cleaning only.

Section 1 – pertains to data acquired through our Free Quote web forms.
Any information collected through our web forms, other that our Leave a Review form, is strictly confidential and is not shared with anyone except for authorized staff of Select Elevator Pit Cleaning. These records are kept until they are no longer necessary and permanently deleted from our records. Your contact information may be stored in out database in efforts to contact you for follow-up after job completion as well as Select Elevator Pit Cleaning approved advertising. No information submitted inside out Schedule a Free Estimate form is posted to our website.

Section 2 – pertains to data acquired through our Leave a Review web forms.
We may or may not post your personal testimonial letters on our website. However, if your letter is posted to our website, any and all information in regards to your personal contact information is edited to protect your personal privacy. We recommend you only submit the fields on our form, and not include any extra detail in reference to your personal information. If you do send information that is not within our guidelines, the information will simply be edited out from the original source to protect your privacy.

Listed below is a list of personal information that is considered to be acceptable to be displayed on or within our website.

Your Full Name
Your Signature
Your Company Letterhead (contact information will be edited)
Your City & State of Residence
Your Review

Please try and leave out any other information that is not within our guidelines. Thank you for taking the time to read about how we care for and protect your personal and private information. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to do business with you.




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Toll Free: 800-733-7009
Local: 732-410-7007


275 Hwy 79, Suite B
Morganville, NJ 07751

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